Solomon's Landing


We Guarantee To Surpass Your Expectations!

Twenty one years ago Brian Solomon came down to Cabo San Lucas on a fishing trip with some friends. There wasn’t much around then, but they did happen upon a small taco bar on the newly built marina. At the time Brian had always wanted to open a restaurant, and after seeing that place and this town he knew that he’d found the perfect place. Eventually Brian bought that little spot on the marina and turned it into more than just a taco bar.

With three certified chefs and a staff of over 50 people, Solomon’s Landing has become a great place where locals get together and visitors keep coming back. Everyone who comes here feels like they own a little piece of Solomon’s Landing…and I think that’s just how it should be.

Starting as a chef’s apprentice in New Orleans is where Brian got his ideas about what a great restaurant should be. He struggled while working for other restaurant owners, which ultimately lead him to create the idyllic restaurant in his mind. Too many people are concerned about the business aspect of running a restaurant, when all that really matters are the customers and the quality of the food. It was with these ideals and principles that Solomon’s Landing was founded on and continues to honor today.

The basic philosophy and goal of all of us at Solomon’s Landing is to provide our customers and friends with the best quality products, the best taste and flavor, excellent portions and service at a very good price. This commitment is hopefully accomplished with honesty, loyalty and respect to the people and/or communities that we interact with and to ourselves.

We all strive to make Solomon’s Landing better every day. There are no egos here and everyone has a say, even when it comes to the menu. A vote is literally taken when a new dish is introduced, changed or removed from one of our menus. We aim to provide the best and friendliest service where people remember you. We are proud of the people we employ, and they are proud to be working with us. Our wait and bar staff don’t just work for us because they need a job; they come to us because they are looking for a career in the restaurant business. We take pride in that little fact. Everyone here is a contributor to the success of the restaurant, and we appreciate them for that. There’s something that a very trusted and wise person once said to me, “the achievement of greatness isn’t a place you reach, it’s a never-ending goal.” That’s the backbone of our philosophy here at Solomon’s Landing, and we really take it to heart.

El Tesoro Los Cabos Hotel Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico

209 390 4382, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Clear Sky


Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

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Humidity: 64%
Wind: NW at 18.1 mph
Light rain
78°F / 86°F
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78°F / 85°F

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