• 1 Can of Corn Kernels or Cup of Fresh Corn
• 1/2 Cup Whole Milk
• 50 Grams Sugar Glass
• 30 Grams Clarified Butter (Room Temperature)
•100 Grams Maseca Corn
• 10 Tamale Leaf (Corn Leaves)

1. Blend the grains with the milk (well blended) and strain into a bowl and set aside.
2. In a small bowl, add the butter & sugar glass, and beat with a hand mixer until smooth.
3. Mix the two mixutres in a single bowl and add the maseca corn. 
4. Beat lightly unti it has a thick mixture.
5. Using the corn leaves, make strips to be able to tie the other eyes in the form of a canoe. 
6. Add the mixture to the leaves and bake at 150 degrees for 15 - 20 minutes. 
7. Remove and let cool 



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Cabo San Lucas

Partly Cloudy

Humidity: 53%

Wind: 17.70 km/h

  • 03 Jan 2019

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  • 04 Jan 2019

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